Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fruitarian in the City

I just got back from spending the day in Hilo. After working so hard yesterday with little food I said I would just relax and eat today. I still ended up walking about 8kms. It seems that I end up walking anywhere from 6 to 15 kms each day, just getting from one place to another. Having no car transportation is making me realize how much I relied on being driven places before. I'm very happy though because it is my dream to be without a car and walking is one of my favorite things to do. The only problem with it at the moment is that I am very sick. I try not to write about it much, but my colitis has gotten a lot worse again(probably due to the stress of moving and the fact that I stopped eating the healing diet I was on, knowing I wasn't ready for acidic or fatty food yet). Each day my body tells me I need to fast, and soon I will obey it.. I'll know when the time is right. For now I just need to rest as much as I can and eat as simply as possible.

I went into the health food store today on a whim and decided to look at the books. Immediately one caught my eye: "Rational Fasting" by Arnold Ehret. For those who don't know, he also wrote one of the first books I read about fruitarianism, "The Mucusless Diet Healing System", and his teachings have inspired me immensely. I've wanted a copy of  "Rational Fasting" for years and I was so excited when I found it. A new copy from the health food store was only $4.95, probably because it was written almost 100 years ago. I think it was another sign that my fast should be in the near future. I'll be talking more on fasting in the days to come.
Professor Arnold Ehret

Well, I tried my first fresh Hawaiian durian, but it was a dud. I only bought a little segment about the size of a plum, which cost $5, but as soon as I opened the little bucket it was in I knew it was rotten. I bit into it and it was blue/gray inside and smelled like paint thinner. I couldn't even eat it. I did save the tiny seed though and I'm trying to sprout it. Wish me luck! If it works out it will be the first durian tree growing on my land:)

Durian love:)
 There was an argument on the bus today. A group of Polynesians were talking about "stupid haoles", and a young hippy man got upset and said how he just wanted to feel and share love and these people were being disrespectful. I just sat there in my seat, not sure what to think, but knowing I just wanted to love all of them. Being here is opening my eyes to unconditional love and it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever experienced. People ask me if I get annoyed having to be on that bus for 4 hours each day just to go into town for food. I honestly love it more than I can describe to you. Each morning as I walk and wait at the bus stop I get so excited because I never know who I will meet, and the people on there are always so diverse and wonderful. The driver is so kind and upbeat, I feel happy the moment I walk onto the bus.

No photos to share today, but I'll try to get some at the beach tomorrow. It's supposed to be a nice afternoon so I'm going to try and relax and soak up the sun.

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