Monday, February 20, 2012

Falling in Love with Hawaii

The last 2 days have been unbelievably amzing, like out of a dream. We went to the beach on both days and swam in hot ponds. It was so much nicer than being in a hot tub because it was completely in nature, enveloped by lave rocks and sea water, with coconut palms and jungle all around. I got to hang out with Jaden yesterday, probably for the last time since he's leaving on Wednesday. I'm very happy I got to see him again. Today me and Rowenna tanned(and burned a little) at the beach. Then on the walk home Rowenna spotted a baby mango that hadn't gone bad yet(the season is already over, but somehow this one survived) As you can see inthe photo it is very brightly colored and it was very delicious. We also scavenged for some giant avocados, and found some apple bananas at the fruit stand down the road. Tomorrow I'll probably be getting more durian. If we don't get back from town too late we might head to the beach again to get some more sun.
Our roof didn't leak so bad last night so we should be able to get a good nights rest tonight. The weather has been so amazing the past couple of days. Sunny with sporadic showers throughout the day to cool us off.
This truly is paradise. I can't imagine any place better:)

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