Sunday, February 5, 2012

"Eat More To Live More"?

The lifestyle I live is all about abundance, and the diet I eat is no exception. I think any diet that requires your to restrict your intake of anything isn't a very healthy diet. Then there's the other side of the coin which says to eat as much as you can on the fruit diet. I've been thinking about where I stand on that one lately. I hear a lot of people bashing because they say that force feeding yourself is just as bad for your health, if not worse, than under eating. I agree that overeating probably isn't a good idea, but the people on that site are thriving. And no, they're not just athletes who exercise 8 hours a day. And no, people aren't going to get fat from eating too much fruit. I personally don't have a problem with the way they do it on 30bananas, but I don't follow their guidelines exactly. I did try a few times to eat as much as I could. I loaded up on bananas and dates, aiming to get over 3000 calories each day. I became a bit tired and just lost a lot of vitality. Now, the main point I want to make here is that 3000 calories isn't the right amount for all women. some days I do eat over 3000 calories, and some days it's less than 2000. Eventually on this lifestyle you begin to really understand your body and what it needs and you automatically just eat the perfect amount for you. I think 30bananasaday is really going about it in a fantastic way though because beginners to raw food, and even a lot of people who have been on the path a while, still aren't sure how much to eat. I think it's much better to start out by eating a lot of food(which, if it's just fruit, is pretty harmless in my opinion) than seriously under eating. It's very easy to under eat at first because fruit is so high in water compared to the foods people are used to eating, and they end up just filling their bellies to the same degree as when they were eating dense calories. As a person who's fallen off the raw wagon a lot of times, i know that the number one reason for failing is not eating enough fruit. So if you're just starting raw or still have issues with comfort eating, or falling off the raw vegan, take it from me, and try eating HUGE amounts of fruit for a few weeks or months. See if it makes a difference.

I'm on day 11 of grapes today and it's still going pretty smoothly. I have pretty much no desire to eat anything else. Dates sounded good a few times, but I didn't really want to eat them. I'm really enjoying the simplicity of this mono diet because I don't really think about eating anymore. I just eat grapes when I'm hungry and that's the whole story. I come from a huge past of emotional eating and eating disorders, so for me, this brings a lot of peace. If you're wondering how many grapes I'm eating daily, it varies a bit, but with the intense detox I've been going through I really haven't been getting hungry. Most days I only eat 1 or 2 times a day, and only a few cups of grapes at a time. I've been averaging 2-3 pounds of grapes a day. For me that's a lot less than I would normally eat, and I am losing a little bit of weight, but it will come back on very easily once my appetite comes back. for now I'm just resting and allowing my body to heal.

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