Friday, February 24, 2012

First Week in Hawaii

Day before yesterday was spent at the beach. Me and Rowenna both got a bit of a tan, which she's really happy about. Yesterday we went to the Pahoa Museum(where a lot of the photos are from). There wasn't much in Pahoa and I really didn't love the vibes there. Too much of a druggie town for my liking, but the grocery store there did have a few good deals.

Rowenna is only going to be here for a few more days. She's getting pretty stressed about the trip, and I'm also worried about her leaving. Being here all alone will probably be rough for a little while.

Yesterday I got to try eggfruit for the first time. I've been waiting for years. Yes, it does actually have the exact consistency of a boiled egg yolk. It even tastes a little bit like one. It's extremely sweet and filling. Not a very tropical taste, more like a sugary maple syrup. I bought eggfruit and more mamey(both organic) from a store in Pahoa for $2.29/lb. That's a pretty good deal since they're both high in calories. I still haven't gotten to try any mamey on this trip. None of them are ripe or seem like they will be anytime soon. The papaya I picked outside our hut is starting to look ready though:)

I've got about 30 papayas in our storage cupboard. Most of them aren't ripe yet, but they're my main staple food for the winter. I've been getting them as cheap as 8 for $1! I am having a bit of a problem with carrying them home though. They're very heavy and easy to bruise, and since I need about 10-15 each day, I keep damaging almost half of them on the walk home(which, I might add, is quite strenuous, especially after dark). Hopefully I can get a bike rack soon so I can bike into Pahoa(about 5 miles) and buy a lot of fruit on the Sunday market there.

Today the plan is to hike over to the lava tree park and then take a bus around the coast to see Kapoho and Kalapana. We'll be sure to take lots of photos.

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