Saturday, February 18, 2012

Long Journey

Well, me and Rowenna got to the airport this morning at 2:30 to find out that our flight had been cancelled. We were freaking out, and trying to find someone who could tell us what to do(which took hours) and we found out that we were still able to fly to Hawaii today, but we would be on separate flights. It was really depressing news, but we knew we were very fortunate because so many people had lost their trips completely, or needed to wait days for another flight. So I'm on the first plane now, to Newark New Jersey. Rowenna is probably just getting on her flight now to Chicago. I'll be on this plane for another couple of hours then onto a flight to Honolulu for another 10 hours. After a long wait there I'll fly over to Hilo where Rowenna should be arriving an hour after me. I'm very nervous and so sad that we don't get to spend this day together, but mostly I'm just grateful that we're still able to go. Hopefully I can get a hold of the people from the hostel we're staying at so they know to pick us up an hour late.

After the amount of stress I've gone through this morning I just want to fall into a deep sleep for a couple of days. Unfortunately I'm still too nervous too even close my eyes. I really hope Rowenna is ok. I think tomorrow we'll just try to rest and hopefully find some fruit for me to eat without needing to venture too far. A day on the sunny beach sounds like heaven right now. It's so unbelievably cold on this plane. I brought just a handful of dates with me which I just ate so looks like it'll be a long while before my next meal. Oh well, my nerves are keeping me from feeling hungry.

Hopefully I'll be able to get some durian the first few days of our trip. I could really use some spoiling right now. Unless we go to Hilo I'm not sure where we'll find local food. We may just need to go for a few jungle hikes and see what's growing. I'm praying for sunshine. Yesterday, for the first time this year, it was warm(for NS) and sunny. The sun on my skin felt like pure love. There's truly nothing sweeter.

I'll try to update soon with some photos and plenty of fruity adventures:)

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