Friday, March 9, 2012


Pure Love♥

Last night I was awake as the full moon's power had complete hold of me. I was laying in bed, drifting in and out of sleep, but mostly in a trance. The moon told me to sway and move, and it told me a story. Thoughts passed through me of a tiny bud:
Inside, all it sees is darkness. For so long it has fought its way towards the surface, but now it feels completely lost, so lonely, and ready to give up hope. The world looks so bleak. Is this all there is?

Suddenly everything changes. There are no words for what the flower bud sees. It sees the world and all it knows is unconditional love and peace.

The flower blooms, in a complete state of grace. "I am".

The world is changing so quickly now. People are waking up everyday. No matter how bleak your reality may seem, you may be only moments away from seeing your true potential, your true reason for being here. So don't give up, just be here, right now. Even if you're experiencing intense pain, depression, anxiety, or fear, just be here with it. The only suffering comes from your resistance.

That is the message that came to me during the night, and all I'm asking of myself is to consider it. I am focusing everyday on being open to all possibilities, even if I've lived my entire life believing differently. I'm constantly shocked and in awe to see that my mind has been lying to me for a very long time. Beliefs are what separate us, hinder us, cause us suffering. Question your thoughts, and you become free of beliefs.    

1 comment:

Jaden said...

Wonderful words of wisdom Mica. Things may seem hopeless and bleak at times, and the future is unknown. We have to have faith that things will get better. Fear can overwhelm us and convince us to cause great harm to ourselves. We have to see fear for what it is, just a illusion from our conditioned mind. Our thoughts are not who we are... just watch them float past like clouds in the sky, and realize that we're powerful beings with complete control over our own lives. We're all amazing spiritual beings and it's possible to bring bliss and joy back into our lives.