Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fruit Abundance and Being Barefoot

This song will blow you away. Yiruma is my new favorite artist on earth. So beautiful ♥


The past couple of days have been filled with wonderful fruit and good times. A few people have mentioned to me that winter is the down time for fruit, that there really isn't much in season right now. I honestly don't know what they're talking about. I am having trouble carrying home enough food without it getting damaged in the process, but there is so much fruit available here. Mamey sapote, chico sapote, soursop, cherimoya, durian, lilikoi, lemons, limes, avocados, oranges, mandarins, jakfruit, rambutans, longans, papayas, cacao, guavas, chocolate sapotes, bananas of many varieties, champedak, and so many more. Abundance is the way of life here.

At one with the earth, so blissful

I was out walking today without my shoes and I felt like I should write a little about being barefoot because the effect it has had on me is so profound. My soles are still very soft from wearing socks and boots all winter or I'd be 100% shoeless here. I need to build up the pads of my feet a little first, but soon I plan to give up shoes for the rest of my life. The lava rocks are very sharp, so it's taking a little getting used to. But to be barefoot on the earth is a most magical experience. I believe that a lot of the nutrients we need must be absorbed through the feet as I feel deficient when I go too long without my connection to the earth. The most important thing I feel without shoes is a clear communication and oneness with the earth and all that is. Separation disappears and it is so completely humbling that it often brings me to tears. I am everything and nothing all at once, so amazing.  
Different people here and other places have told me that it is crazy or stupid to walk around without shoes on. They say I will contract parasites from the ground, get infections, or just end up with injuries. Most don't understand my reasons so I don't make a big deal out of it, but I think being barefoot is the most hygienic, natural, beautiful thing to do. I have known a lot of people here who have suffered from staph infections, mostly just because of a little cut, usually on their leg or foot. I have actually gotten a lot of cuts on my feet since being here(actually all from shoes wearing on my feet or ankles), but no infection problems yet. I just make sure to let the cuts breathe and see as much sun as possible.

I'll only be at this hostel for another week. I think I'll really miss my hut here. The people aren't exactly the crowd I like to hang with, but they're friendly enough, and I get all the peace and quiet I need here. I think I'm ready to move on though. I'm excited for more adventures in a new town.

Mamey Sapote, my favorite fruit:)

My giant jakfruit, but there was only a little fruit inside

Yummy apple bananas

Isaac Hale beach park

The ideal beach scene. Nice and quiet too

I bought a whole fresh durian...bad experience

Mamey has another taste besides pumpkin, sweet potato pie. It's dill! Sounds funny, but it is the most delicous thing on earth.

Peaceful me

My new outfit

Orange I foraged in the jungle

Strange new fruit, a kind of cherry I think

Chocolate sapote

Eating the pudding of the chocolate sapote, so rich and creamy

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