Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Since being sick the past few days I've had a lot of time to sit and think and also gain some insight from the teachings of Eckhart Tolle. He said something in a video yesterday which I had never really thought of. He was talking about people who were sick and/or experiencing a lot of pain. He said that while these people may eat well, and have a healthy lifestyle they can become very ill and experience great pain because they spend no time in their body. They're so busy with their mind, they never even stop to ask themselves "am I alive? Am I breathing?" People can be walking around, without ever feeling the brilliance of being a living being. He also talked about pain and suffering, and how, in it's simplest form, it is just energy, which is neither good or bad, and by truly being in the body, and sensing this energy we can transmute it as pleasure, or at least just as a sensation, but not necessarily as pain. 
I spent today thinking about all I learned yesterday, and testing it on myself to the best of my abilities. I was having some pain in the morning while I was riding on the bus, and I just closed my eyes and focused on the sensation and movement of this pain. It felt like spiraling energy throughout my abdomen, and as I was truly there in my body, feeling everything within me, I experienced no pain. It was a really beautiful experience, not something I can explain, but it felt very healing. No resistance.  
Someday I'll have dreads like this:) Beautiful♥

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