Thursday, March 8, 2012

Durian Dream

 I looked into my little pot of soil today, and there it was, a tiny yellow sprout, coming out from the side of my durian seed. I was so happy I couldn't help but smile. You don't know how many times I've dreamed of this over the last few years. It always starts with one little seed, and I will give this seed all the love and nurturing I have within me.

My little sprout♥
I noticed today that the dreads in my hair are becoming more apparent. I stopped brushing my hair the first day in Hawaii because the brush wouldn't go through it with all the humidity. Immediately my hair became much more curly and alive. I've always found dreadlocks to be so beautiful so I will let my hair do as it will.
It's very lovely to let nature take care of me, rather than relying on some kind of beauty routine.

Today I got more papayas in town. I didn't want to mention it until I was sure, but I'm planning on starting a papaya mono diet tomorrow. I don't know how long it will last, maybe a day, a week, a month, but something tells me it is the right thing to do at this time. A fast is what I truly want and need, but the time isn't right. Papayas have an enzyme which is used to help people digest food, and to help with stomach ulcers and bleeding. While I don't believe in food doing the healing(it simply supplies the raw materials) I do think that eating only one juicy fruit would be very good for me right now, and papaya is an ideal candidate. It's very cheap, easy to find anywhere here, nourishing, water rich and easy to digest.  My other experiments with mono diets (bananas-9 days, watermelon-10 days, twice, and grapes-14 days, twice) were very healing. The spiritual breakthroughs I had during those times were of great significance to me. My connection to all of life became very apparent, and I experienced moments of great peace.

No sure plans for the next couple of days. I'll probably just relax and enjoy my last days here. I'd like to go to the beach and swim in the warm ponds tomorrow or the next day if it's sunny. Living for today, no plans necessary in this moment♥


Sprouted seed of the mamey sapote, a beautiful miracle♥

Rich, creamy mamey:)

This mamey tipped the scales at about 3 pounds!

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