"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" -Dr. Seuss
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Strawberry Buffet=D
I plan to be gone until at least September and I probably won't have internet access, but I'll update when I get back.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
My Other Wonderful Sister
As you can see from the photos, she'd make as good a supermodel as she would a nurse. She'll be a great nurse though, she's so compassionate, unlike a lot of nurses I've met. She seems to really care about people.
Unfortunatley, I haven't gotten to see Yarrow so much since she's been so busy studying this year. Hopefully we'll get to spend some time together this summer.

Doesn't she look like she belongs on the cover of a magazine?

This is us a few years ago, back when I was on a SAD diet and had orange hair
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I started a new community!!!!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Summer in May
My website is just about ready to go as far as content, but I still need to figure out how to work with SEO and local advertising. I'm still hopeful that it will take off, but I'm trying to work out other options to make money this summer. I really want to work at a fruit farm, but Rowenna isn't very enthusiastic about driving me so I'm hoping to find one that will provide accommodations or at least let me pitch a tent.
If I manage to save up a bit of money I can be off for South America or Mexico this fall. If I do house sitting or camping, or anything with free accommodation I can live for very little and stay all winter. Round trip flight will be about $600, and food for 6 months will be about another $600, but those will be pretty much the only expenses. I'll feel pretty comfortable if I leave with $2000 and I think it's possible to make that this summer if I work really hard.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Fruitarianism is about abundance. That's one of the reasons I love it so much. You don't need to watch what you eat, you simply eat as much as you'd like. For a successful watermelon diet I'd say you'll need anywhere from one large melon up to 4 per day. If people would try that they'd see what vitality is all about. Eating only melons WILL NOT HURT YOU!! I know a woman who ate nothing but melons for 6 months straight, and she is a glowing picture of health. She's been eating nothing but fruit for 17 years. If you need more proof check out Freeleas blog: http://sweetjuicyfreelee.com/ She's a low fat raw vegan eating fruit and greens for the past 3 years. Her and her boyfriend(eating the same diet as Freelea) are organic athletes. Harley has competed in 24 hour bike races eating bananas. The fruitarian way of life will help you excel at every level.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Last week I treated myself to some books from Amazon and they arrived a couple of days ago. I just finished reading Arnold Ehert's Mucusless diet healing system. It was an amazing read. I would recommend it to anyone. I also spent some time looking through my new book, Melons for the passionate grower. It's filled with beautiful photographs and info. I just started reading The China study last night. it's the most comprehensive study ever taken on nutrition....ever!! read it, and it will change your life!!!
Dad mentioned yesterday morning that the plan is still on to leave for Mexico in April. I'm soooo excited! He's letting me be in charge of planning, and learning Spanish so it's definitely keeping me busy. We're going for 2 weeks so I want to spend one week in The Yucatan, and one in Chiapas. I'd like to rent bikes so we can spend our days in the beautiful outdoors, cycling from one small village to another, trying to find our perfect location.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
once the weather breaks we'll go there and see what kind of property we can find. I'm so hopeful! I'm working all day on learning Spanish because I know that will be very important there. Then I found out that in a lot of Yucatan they still speak Mayan. It looks like I might have more languages to learn. All I can think about is how once I'm there, I'm going to grow every type of watermelon imaginable=D
Monday, February 15, 2010
For the Fruit Bat in You!

Friday, February 12, 2010
Melon Mania!!

Fruitwise, it's been really hard. It seems February is the worst month though, and soon the stores will have more fruit and lower prices. Right now all I want is melons. Nothing else satisfies me. Even when I want to cry all I have to do is see a watermelon and I feel sunny and happy again. I probably sound crazy, but I'm not, just summer deprived, and melons, they remind all my senses of Mexico and summer heat. Speaking of Mexico, that's my latest obsession. I've been doing loads of research, and I'm hoping to take a trip there sometime this year. I just have a good feeling about it. Not the touristy areas of course. I want to find someplace far off the beaten path where there are watermelons galore!
I'm also working on getting together things for a meatout (from www.meatout.org) I want to do some leafletting or set up a dsiplay table downtown. I really wish I had other veg-heads to help me out, but I don't know of any here. Maybe Rowenna will want to be a part of it.
That's it for now, but I'll be updating soon with some super neat info I got about the length of our intestines compared with carnivores and omnivores!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I'm already Gone
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
My Amazing Sister=D
Friday, January 15, 2010
Fruit For All!! =D

We are restoring a 1940 homestead on 4.5 acres using the principles of Permaculture Design. Our small hobby farm includes a modest log house, new guest cabin, workshop studio, greenhouse, fenced areas for fruit/vegetable/ ornamental/mushroom cultivation & forested areas with native trees.
We are seeking enthusiastic people interested in organics as well as permaculture design - including water catchment & management, composting/ hugelkultur, small woodlot management, forest gardening, food production, plant propagation, rock work (stone walls, paths), etc.
Typical tasks would include: garden maintenance (planting, watering, weeding, fencing); plant propagation, pruning, seed saving, working with a professional permaculture forester (tree falling, chopping/chipping wood, stacking firewood), building rock paths, making trails in the woods, etc.
Check out our profile on Gardenjot (website listed in contact info) for many photos of our property and information about what we are doing.
Claire has a certificate in Permaculture Design and a small collection of related books that you may read.
Accommodation (double bed) in a brand new 100sq ft private cabin with stone patio, outdoor propane shower and new outhouse. An additional person could sleep in a tent with a foam mattress. Breakfast is prepared on your own (homemade breads & granola), lunch and dinner preparation and clean up is communal. Non-smoking household. LGBT welcome. Please bring biodegradable toiletries if possible.
Gabriola Island (size of Manhattan, population: 5000) is a 20-minute ferry ride from Nanaimo (on Vancouver Island). We can pick you up from, or drop you off at, the ferry. For more information on Gabriola check out: www.gabriolaisland.org We live within walking distance to the ocean and a beautiful provincial park. Lots of opportunities to enjoy nature: hiking, beach exploration, swimming, bird watching, mushroom identification - as well as island life: farmer's market, music and art events, craft shows etc.
Gabriola Island, BC
Your home is:
The meals you prepare are:
vegetarian, non-vegetarian
Family members in your home:
2 women
Animals/pets living in your home:
2 friendly dogs (hypo-allergenic Standard Poodles)
How many years hosting?: 0
Monday, January 11, 2010
Divine Day!
Tomorrow I'm having a day all to myself, to relax and rejuvenate since I've been stressing way too much lately. I'm going to do a juice fast(I've got loads of honeydew melons and oranges that need to be eaten, or drank=D), listen to music, do yoga, paint and read my new library books. I've been going through a rough emotional time due to my negative feelings about painting. I was so happy to sell my first piece, but things went downhill after that. I started to hate art. I didn't like the pressure of feeling like I had to create things that other people would like, or even see, and the idea of making money(something I hate) corrupted my simple love of art. In the library today a book came to me through some divine force, that's the only way I can explain it. I was just browsing and it caught my eye. I borrowed it without even reading the back to see what it was about. When I got home I realized it was exactly what I was looking for. I just started it, but already I feel at peace. It's called "Painting From The Source- Awakening the Artist's Soul in Everyone" and this is what the back reads:
"Imagine yourself painting with no hesitations, no conflicts. Your brush dips into pots of vibrantly colored paint; inner inspiration guides your hand into lines and shapes that find their perfect places on the paper...
Welcome! I'm Aviva Gold, your guide to the magic source. As children, all of us lived and painted intuitively. And as adults we can re-create the boundless joy of unselfconscious art by setting aside intellectual critique and self-doubt and reconnecting with the source. Remember standing at an easel as a child and painting in a trancelike state of wonder? Somewhere alone the line this freedom gets trained out of us, and we are either categorized as artists or not.
Every human being is an artist. In Bali, one word means both "human" and "artist". "
So tomorrow I will definitely be reading more of this amazing books. I already feel like it will not only change more my perspective on art, but on my whole way of seeing life and the world. My book by Anne Osbourne also came today, and Dad will be dropping it off tomorrow. It's called "Fruitarianism:The path to Paradise". I'm so excited to finally read it.
As far as my whole BC adventure, I did get a reply back from a farm/retreat there, and it might work out. I'm also thinking about staying there for the summer and doing fruit picking to save up some money for travelling to a warm climate next winter.
Oh, one more thing, today I got some organic mangoes for half price, my very first organic ones, and eating them was an amazing experience! They were so sweet, and flavorful, I felt like I was floating the whole time I was eating them!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Back in the day.....

I was just going through some old pictures from when we lived on our beautiful farm. It was summertime and Rowenna and I were glowing with health from running through the fields and being in the fresh air all day every day. I miss it so much, but I will have it again someday. Of course, it will be a little different. I will be somewhere where it's warm all year, and there will be fruit growing all around me. I won't need to rely on a job or anything else. I'll be free. I'm sure envisioning these things will help me to manifest them. Someone close to me told me I have no future and I'll end up a bum on the street someday, just because I'm not going after a career and lifestyle like everyone else. I don't believe that we should work and work every day, saving up for when we won't need anything at all. I'm told I'm immature for believing good things will come to me, but I think faith is worth more than all the money in the world. I'm happy to live the unknown.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Ok, first of all, we didn't make it to Ontario, but I'll get to that after. I was feeling kind of down today, then I checked my email and got a message from etsy.com( a site for artists who want to sell their stuff) and I got a sale to a lady in Portugal!!! I only had one painting on there for about a month, and I figured it wouldn't sell because there are so many amazing artists on there, and it would take a lot of searching to even find mine. I was totally shocked, and now I'm soooo happy=D I need to do more painting! It will fill my days now :)
Ok, why we're not in Ontario. First, the storm forced us to reschedule our train trip. When we did we got another vague letter from the owners of the farm. We weren't feeling good about it so decided to cancel. It's unfortunate that this keeps happening, but I think it's because something even better is in store for us. Today my Dad helped me buy a membership to WWOOF Canada since it looks like we might be stuck here for a while. I haven't really searched yet, but hopefully we'll find a perfect farm.