Monday, January 11, 2010

Divine Day!

The first page of my vision book

Tomorrow I'm having a day all to myself, to relax and rejuvenate since I've been stressing way too much lately. I'm going to do a juice fast(I've got loads of honeydew melons and oranges that need to be eaten, or drank=D), listen to music, do yoga, paint and read my new library books. I've been going through a rough emotional time due to my negative feelings about painting. I was so happy to sell my first piece, but things went downhill after that. I started to hate art. I didn't like the pressure of feeling like I had to create things that other people would like, or even see, and the idea of making money(something I hate) corrupted my simple love of art. In the library today a book came to me through some divine force, that's the only way I can explain it. I was just browsing and it caught my eye. I borrowed it without even reading the back to see what it was about. When I got home I realized it was exactly what I was looking for. I just started it, but already I feel at peace. It's called "Painting From The Source- Awakening the Artist's Soul in Everyone" and this is what the back reads:

"Imagine yourself painting with no hesitations, no conflicts. Your brush dips into pots of vibrantly colored paint; inner inspiration guides your hand into lines and shapes that find their perfect places on the paper...
Welcome! I'm Aviva Gold, your guide to the magic source. As children, all of us lived and painted intuitively. And as adults we can re-create the boundless joy of unselfconscious art by setting aside intellectual critique and self-doubt and reconnecting with the source. Remember standing at an easel as a child and painting in a trancelike state of wonder? Somewhere alone the line this freedom gets trained out of us, and we are either categorized as artists or not.
Every human being is an artist. In Bali, one word means both "human" and "artist". "

So tomorrow I will definitely be reading more of this amazing books. I already feel like it will not only change more my perspective on art, but on my whole way of seeing life and the world. My book by Anne Osbourne also came today, and Dad will be dropping it off tomorrow. It's called "Fruitarianism:The path to Paradise". I'm so excited to finally read it.
As far as my whole BC adventure, I did get a reply back from a farm/retreat there, and it might work out. I'm also thinking about staying there for the summer and doing fruit picking to save up some money for travelling to a warm climate next winter.
Oh, one more thing, today I got some organic mangoes for half price, my very first organic ones, and eating them was an amazing experience! They were so sweet, and flavorful, I felt like I was floating the whole time I was eating them!

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