Friday, March 12, 2010


I just ate the sweetest Cantaloupe for breakfast. I'm finally learning to tell when they're perfectly ripe. They need to sound hollow inside, have a ring around the stem, and be a little soft at the opposite end. It took me about 50-100 melons this past month to figure it out just right. I've been eating cantaloupes everyday, sometimes only cantaloupes. I can just keep eating them and they continue to be the only food I want. This week I've been eating about 4 extra large a day, less if I eat other fruits. So that's about 15-20 pounds of melon per day!! That gives me over 4000% of my RDA for vitamin A!!!

Last week I treated myself to some books from Amazon and they arrived a couple of days ago. I just finished reading Arnold Ehert's Mucusless diet healing system. It was an amazing read. I would recommend it to anyone. I also spent some time looking through my new book, Melons for the passionate grower. It's filled with beautiful photographs and info. I just started reading The China study last night. it's the most comprehensive study ever taken on nutrition....ever!! read it, and it will change your life!!!

Dad mentioned yesterday morning that the plan is still on to leave for Mexico in April. I'm soooo excited! He's letting me be in charge of planning, and learning Spanish so it's definitely keeping me busy. We're going for 2 weeks so I want to spend one week in The Yucatan, and one in Chiapas. I'd like to rent bikes so we can spend our days in the beautiful outdoors, cycling from one small village to another, trying to find our perfect location.

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