Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Other Wonderful Sister

I was just thinking today how I wrote a post about my little sister, but I've barely mentioned my amazing older sister, Yarrow. She's graduating from her first year of nursing sometime this week I think, top of her class. She is so dedicated to learning about things that interest her, it's quite inspiring.
As you can see from the photos, she'd make as good a supermodel as she would a nurse. She'll be a great nurse though, she's so compassionate, unlike a lot of nurses I've met. She seems to really care about people.
Unfortunatley, I haven't gotten to see Yarrow so much since she's been so busy studying this year. Hopefully we'll get to spend some time together this summer.

Doesn't she look like she belongs on the cover of a magazine?

This is us a few years ago, back when I was on a SAD diet and had orange hair

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