Monday, April 30, 2012

My First Lifestyle Design Experiment!

Watch this video. It makes it pretty hard not to feel good

I've been thinking a lot this past week of starting a lifestyle design experiment, but not sure what to try first. I want it to be something that I feel confident in sticking to for a full 30 days, and also for it to be something that I really feel will help me at this time in my life. Lately I've been going through a very emotional time an it's been draining me. I have barely slept in a week, just staying awake and reliving past pains, coming to one very big realization: That it's all me. All the suffering I've experienced was by choice, by my inner resistance to reality. This is a concept I have believed for a long time, but it's really starting to sink in and it's scary. To know that no one and no thing will ever make you happy, that it is all within you, is a very good thing, but right now I'm still in the stage of allowing it to really sink in. Where I'm going with this is that right now I feel a strong need to go through what I'm going through without any rules or expectations, so I don't think I want my first lifestyle design experiment to be an emotional one.

At the same time that I've been going through all these past negativities, my body has been tightening up and going through some rough patches. I've been having a lot of pain and bleeding this week, resorting to taking pain killing drugs quite often, and that really isn't something I want to be doing. I can feel, as I have for a long time, that my body wants to heal, and as I work through the emotional problems I've been having I think that my body will become more vibrantly alive, but I want to help it in every way I can. I noticed how the no breakfast plan really helped with my absorption of food, and I feel compelled to try an even more extreme approach of eating less hours per day. So I've decided to go with the plan of Arnold Ehret, and try for 30 days to eat only one meal a day, preferably at noon time, but anytime between 10am and 2pm would be great. The meal will last no more than an hour, that way I am fasting for 23 hours of each day. My meal will be a series of mono fruits, probably no more than three different fruits each day, and often only one kind. I will eat only the healing diet as prescribed by David Klein, so I will be avoiding fats, and all citrus and high acid fruits, as well as peels and seeds within fruits. I expect I will have a little bit of difficulty eating a large amount of calories in only an hour, so I will probably lose some weight, but if I can get my assimilation back to normal I will need a lot less food in the future. There was a time when 1200 calories a day would allow me to maintain my weight and feel really good. Since becoming sick I've needed to eat more than double that amount, feeling like I'm filling my body with more food than it can handle while still losing weight and feeling tired and too full.

I feel really optimistic about this lifestyle design experiment. I really hope it will be of inspiration to other's who are suffering from colitis, or really any health problems. The idea behind this approach is that nothing outside of us can heal us. Just like every other being on the planet, we are self healing. Most of us have spent our lives stuffing ourselves with food, some of it healthy, a lot of it not. Digestion uses more vital energy than any other body process, and when we eat many kinds of foods, or foods which aren't meant for humans, or if we eat from morning until evening our bodies spend all of their energy on digesting food, and eventually it will wear them down to a point where they can't remove the toxic matter as quickly as it is coming in and disease will result. By eating only one meal a day, and by eating it calmly, really feeling the food to nourish me, and by allowing 23 hours each day for my body to rest and heal, I feel like that will open me up to tapping into the life energy that is within me and outside of me, that is a part of everything. I noticed when I was fasting daily for 18 hours or so last month that I would feel this strange sense of life in the mornings. It's hard to describe, but it was very deep, like I was a part of everything and my energy wasn't just of the body, that it was limitless. It felt very good and calming. In the mornings when I was walking to the bus I would really see things. I would really feel the sunshine and the wind. I would really feel the life all around me and within me. So as much as this is going to be a physical healing experience, it will also be deeply spiritual. I'm ready to heal on all levels.

Today is my first day of the experiment, and it is going well so far. I woke up really hungry, but waited until 10:15am to have my first food. I started by drinking a young coconut. I found myself drinking it down very quickly. My body really needed it. Then I ate 4 papayas and waited a few minutes before eating 22 medjool dates. I feel good and full right now, but I imagine I'll get pretty hungry later today. Dates are very helpful in making it easy to eat more in one sitting.

This weekend I went to a raw vegan potluck next door. It was really cool hanging out with such amazing people. Usually I find myself feeling really awkward at social gatherings, and become very tense and sick feeling, but I found myself accepting who I was a lot more, sitting quietly and just allowing myself to be, and a lot of wonderful people came and sat down to talk to me. I was happy to have company and happy not to. I really liked just being in the presence of people without expectations. I got to try mangosteen which was really amazing, and had a nice plate of many delicious fruits. A big part of me really feels good about who I am. Things are really changing for me, and even though I'm going through a lot of turbulance within myself right now, I really feel like it will all be ok. I also got to hang out with Ender and had a really good time with him. We both brought rolllinia to the potluck and it was probably my favorite thing there. No durian, but I feel like we'll get some later this week.

After getting only a few hours sleep night before last I ended up taking a nap yesterday for almost four hours. I don't think I've done that since I was a little kid. I woke up and felt like it was morning and I needed to get on the bus. Then I ended up falling asleep in the evening and sleeping for over ten hours more. The more sleep I can get at this point the better. The body can work at healing so much more efficiently while you're sleeping. If you have a hard time sleeping for very many hours, just resting with your eyes closed can be very helpful. Meditation is also a great practice.

I just want to say one more thing before I go. If life feels really hard right now, and you really hurt inside, don't give up. Just be quiet for a moment, and see how successful you are at being alive. You're here now and you're breathing, and you're feeling things, having experiences. It's all a gift, even if you can't imagine that right now. Believe that you will feel good. Resist nothing.

1 comment:

Ender Ayanethos said...

Right on Micah, stoked to see how things unfold for you. Live consciously, and keep following your heart!
