Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Healer Within

Yesterday I went into Hilo to shop for fruit for the week. While there I had the best eating experience of my life. A new variety of chocolate sapotes are coming into season (Mom, trust me, you would have no problem giving up real chocolate if you had some of these). The texture is thicker, like a doughy chocolate cake batter, and they are so rich and smooth. While sitting on a bench eating them I was so completely lost in the experience I forgot where I was. It was a meal of the sapotes and some organic soursops I got from a vendor who gave me a deal because they were "too ripe". It turns out they were falling apart, creamy white candy all over my hands:) I sat laughing while I ate them. I couldn't help it. The moment just seemed ridiculously amazing. I was also laughing about all the times people have told me that my diet must be boring or I must deprive myself to only eat fruit. I seriously did not know eating could be so pleasurable and I've never tasted food so good in my life. Fruitarianism is bliss!

After going through an intense period of sickness last week I felt compelled to dedicate myself to healing. I began to reread all my books on health and looked for more information anywhere I could find it. I especially looked within, to see what my body was truly asking for. I started by reading Arnold Ehrets "Rational Fasting". He mentioned the no breakfast plan which was also the title of a book I had read this winter. I think the book was written at leaast 100 years ago, and of course it's basic truths have since been covered up by the medical establishment. I will share a quick quote from the beginning of the book which I really liked:


I also decided to reread David Klein's book, "Self Healing Colitis and Crohns", and I will share a short passage from there as well, an article by Dr. T.C. Fry and Dr. David Klein:

Understanding Disease

Disease, or "dis-ease," is what we feel when the body is in the process of detoxifying and healing itself. Disease is the body's intelligent response to abnormal or threatening influences. Disease is not something which invades our bodies from outside, nor is it something to be cured or stopped. In a manner of speaking, disease symptoms are a manifestation that the body is "curing" itself.

Disease is instituted by the body itself as an emergency measure to purify and repair itself. Modalities (treatments or therapies that involve drugs, herbs, manipulations or other infringements upon the vital domain) cannot possibly assist the body. On the contrary, they interfere with vital body purification and reparative functionsand normal body functions as well. Such interference poses additional problemsfor the body to cope with, thereby further lowering the body vitality. Body vitality may be lowered so much by the greater danger presented by the drugs or modalities that the original disease effort, which is actually an effort to purify the body, is discontinued in favor of devoting available energies to the more virulent enemy, the drugs within. That is why medical physicians are called "allopaths." That is why there is so much "iatrogenic disease," meaning disease caused by treatments.

"Allopath" literally means "opposite disease." In theory, allopathic doctors strive to displace the original disease by creating a heteropathic or opposite disease. Actually, all physicians succeed in doing is to create additional disease. The original problem remains while the body must redirect its energies partly or wholly to removing the more dangerous drugs, herbs, or so-called medicines. Thus, symptoms of the original disease disappear (or are suppressed and masked) because the necessary energy and vitality to further conduct the disease are now lacking. Yet, the body is in graver danger tha nbefore it was treated from both the uneliminated toxic accumulations and the added toxicity of drugs or other substances administered.

The best way to help the body in disease is to "intelligently do nothing" and simultaneously establish conditions of health that enable the body to devote all its vitality to the healing crisis. A thoroughgoing rest under tranquil circumstances constitutes a healing environment, for it permits full devotion of the body enrgies to the emergency task.

The body is always acting intelligently and correctly. The body is always acting appropriately based on the conditions with which it must contend. We can interfere with its operations, but we cannot possibly help it other than by furnishing the normal needs of life consonant with the existing body conditions.

In 1922, in his book "Toxemia Explained," John H. Tilden, M.D., wrote "All so-called diseases are merely the crises of toxemia and evolve from just one cause: toxemia." Dr. Tilden further wrote:

'It should be known to all discerning physicians that the earliest stage of disease is purely functional, evanescent and never autogenated so far as the affected organ is concerned, but is invariably due to an extraneous irritation (or stimulation if you please) augmented by toxemia. When the irritation is not continuous and toxin is eliminated as fast as developed to the toleration point, normal functioning is resumed between the intervals of irritation and toxin excess.

'For example: a simple coryza (running at the nose-cold in the head), gastritis or colonitis. At first these colds, cattarhs, or infammations are periodic and functional; but as exciting cause or causes (local irriation and toxemia) becomes more intense and continuous, the mucous membranes of these organs take on organic changes which are given various names such as irritation, infammation, ulceration, and cancer. The pathology (organic change) may be studied until doomsday without throwing any light on the cause, for from the first irritation to the extreme ending-cachexia- which may be given a blanket term "tuberculosis," "syphilis" or "cancer," the whole pathalogical panorama is one of contiunuous evolution of intensifying effects.'

The "seven stages of disease" nominated by Dr. Tilden are 1. enervation; 2. toxemia, or toxicosis; 3. irritation; 4. inflammation; 5. ulceration; 6. inuration;and 7. cancer. It is notable that in some cases even colon cancer has been overcome by making wholistic dietary and lifestyle changes- we obviously want to halt disease at stage one.

By stopping disease symptoms with medicines, a person suffers further toxification and enervation. Disease symptoms may subside with medicines because: 1. the medicine may be so enervating that the body is no longer able to continue with the detoxification process, or 2. the medicines may be so toxic that the body may shift its detoxification efforts to other areas of the body (resulting in new disease symptoms, commonly called "side effects.")

If a person with inflammatory bowel disease replaces the unhealthful dietary and lifestyle factors which lead to disease with healthful ones, the body will heal itself and ease will be restored."

I have been studying natural hygiene for quite a few years now, and after learning about the body and its infinite wisdom, I began to see all outside healing methods for what they were, as described in the article above. I hope reading it will help everyone, especially my family, to understand why, no matter how sick my body is, I will not be going to a conventional doctor or looking for any outside "cures". Learning about the magic of the body returns the faith to us which was our birthright, that we are self healing beings, and we don't need anyone, or anything to save us. In that there is much power.

I am doing my best to listen to my body and understand what it's trying to tell me. I am starting by allowing my body to rest in the mornings, rather than bombarding it with food. I have learned through reading, and now by observation, that the body is doing its strongest detoxification work in the the morning hours, and that is the worst time to halt its work with consumption of food. By skipping breakfast, I can literally feel my body healing in the morning, and I have been filled with more energy, and a sense of peace and ease in the mornings which was never there when I ate breakfast. When I do eat my first meal of the day, I feel that it really nourishes me, and it tastes so delicious. Unlike before, there is no pain when I eat, and my body tells me it is truly ready for food. I am also practicing with stopping eating early in the afternoon, around 2pm, so that my body has as much vital energy as possible to heal throughout the rest of the day and night. When ready, Arnold Ehret recommends the "one meal per day plan" for which you eat just one big midday meal, and have a 24 hour fast each day. For now, eating within a couple of hour period is a challenge enough for me, and the results are more impressive than I ever could have imagined. Of course, I am also following Dr. Klein's advice, to only eat ripe, sweet fruits, no acid fruits, peels, or vegetables at this time. This healing is very exciting for me. It's time.


Sasha said...

Mica have you heard of doctor morse?

Sunchild said...

Yes, Sasha, I have seen a few of his videos. Good stuff:)