Saturday, November 24, 2012

Banana Island Day 20-Figs

Today was going to be my second to last day on my banana mono diet, and as of yesterday I was really enjoying bananas, not desiring anything else. In fact, my appetite has been diminishing lately, largely due to stress and depression, so even bananas weren't that appealing to me. Today, while eating my banana breakfast I felt disgusted by them and ended up throwing them away. When it came to lunch I was still unable to eat bananas, in any form. My body was telling me to eat other things. That made it difficult since the only other thing in the house was sun dried figs and I wanted juicy fruits, but I went with my instincts and ate the figs which appealed to me more than bananas. What I really wanted was some coconut water, but that will need to wait a little bit longer since they don't sell young cocos in Yarmouth or anywhere within four hours of here.. Hopefully tomorrow I can get some mazafati dates, mangoes, persimmons, and other ripe winter fruits. Oranges sound so good to me right now.

So almost 20 days on bananas, that is by far the longest mono diet I have done. I must admit, I'm not as pleased with the results on bananas nearly as much as my shorter mono diets on juicy fruits like grapes, melons or papayas. Over the years of having a sensitivity to bananas, I have found that they make me feel heavy, sluggish, dehydrated, and they never digest well. While eating only bananas for almost 3 weeks, they did seem to digest better than usual, and my energy wasn't too low, but I never felt that vibrant aliveness that I get from eating juicy fruit. It felt sort of like surviving on a diet of steamed potatoes, only not quite so bad because cooked food really drains my energy. Bananas are not colorful and alive to me like other fruits. I found bananas, as I had speculated, to be highly mucus forming. I don't have any scientific evidence of why this would be. Unripe bananas can be mucus forming, and difficult to digest, but my bananas were very ripe. It only took me a couple months after going fruitarian to know that bananas were not a food for me. Many fruit eaters seem to thrive eating a diet of mostly bananas, but for me juicy fruit is best, with dates as a dense source of calories. I'm happy I got to do this experiment though. It gave me some time to really look at my addiction to food, and for a long time, stop stressing about what to eat. My thoughts about food diminished by about 90% and I was enjoying eating much more than usual.

I'm already starting on my next experiment. My goal is to eat 100% mono meals for one month(and continue if I like the results). For those who know me, you know that I usually eat only mono meals, but I often give in and eat smoothies, salads with up to 3 or 4 ingredients, chopped, mixed or blended foods. I want to become closer to god on a physical level, and I know that means eating food in as natural of a state as I can get it. On my upcoming road trip I'm hoping to pick a lot of wild fruit, visit farms, eat locally. When I say mono eating, I don't use the same definition as I used to. Previously, when eating mono meals I would try to eat just one fruit until I was full and then wait at least an hour, usually longer, until trying another fruit. Now I want to use my instincts more, eating one fruit, not necessarily until I'm full, but until I experience a natural "stop", whether that means eating five pounds of one fruit or only one bite. If I feel drawn to eating something else, I will, but I will not mix fruits or make recipes out of them. I also want to try not to eat blended smoothies, as I've realized on this banana diet that doing so confuses the body and digestion is largely compromised.

Today I feel more excited than nervous about my trip to Mexico, which begins in only a week. I've spent a lot of time worrying about all the things that could go wrong, but within each disaster lies great opportunity. All I need to do is release my expectations about the future. If something goes "wrong", it is really only going right, just a chance given to me by God to advance further on my path. Every struggle I've had so far has been a blessing, and if I had to choose between more obstacles or living in safety forever, the answer for me is simple. Living a life of safety, staying within my comfort zone, is empty. That place is one where I get stuck, watching others really live, wishing I could do everything I dream of, but feeling too comfortable and insecure to leave my nest. The longer you stay within your comfort zone, the more you will feel like that is the life you will continue to live, and you will manifest only more of the same. If doing what your heart tells you feels like jumping off a cliff, do it. Run towards the edge and jump with all the courage you have within you. I promise, you won't regret it. and if you hit the ground, get back up and try again. Every time you do you will gain more confidence and faith in yourself and in the universe. The truth is, you're safe, utterly and completely. Nothing can hurt you besides your beliefs. So defy them. Defy gravity and every restriction that has ever entered your mind. See what its like to be truly free.

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