Thursday, April 26, 2012


Life is really good right now. I've been feeling really relaxed the past few days, just allowing things to unfold. This morning I found myself singing along with the music on the bus, and when I didn't know the words I was humming, for over 2 hours. The old me would never do this. Actually I think it was the first time I ever sang out loud in public in as long as I can remember. I felt really good doing it, really present. Then I got into Hilo and the sun was shining so brightly, and feeling it on my skin just brought me into a state of complete gratitude. I got some mangoes and enjoyed them in the grass, the whole time smiling and thinking how it couldn't get any better than this.

I've gotten to eat a lot of annona fruits this week. Rollinia, cherimoya and soursop, all fruits which make me feel very balanced and satisfied. The past few days I've felt at times like the fruit I'm eating is really being absorbed and is giving me more life than before. When I'm laughing and happy digestion is so effortless, and this week I've noticed how long it has been since I've really laughed and really felt happy. I've been holding onto a lot of pain, so tightly that it felt like my identity, and it's scary to let it go, but it's allowing me to become more my true self. The me who isn't afraid to be herself, to feel happy, to be free.

I've gotten to hang out with my new friend Ender a couple days this week, and it's been really healing for me. He has a blog and website which is filled with his exciting adventures in Hawaii, and his lifestyle design experiements where he tries out things which he thinks will positively affect his life for 30 days and then decides if he wants to keep them or not. He's inspired me to want to try out some experiements too. I'm still deciding on what to try first, but I'm excited to get started. His website is and I highly recommend it for anyone who is looking for a fresh start, to live from the heart, to feel good, and to attract all the good in the world.

It's not always easy to start living a new life, to admit to ourselves that inside we've been hiding from and denying a lot of past pains. But if you can admit that you're holding onto pain, that it's all you, then you have the power to allow yourself to be happy, to flow with the never ending goodness that is life.

Oh, and a very important lesson that I'm learning: Always put yourself first! Allow yourself to be happy, get into alignment with what feels good to you. Once you do you will hold the power to transform the lives of others and change the world. Don't feel guilty. We've been programmed to believe we're bad if we care about ourselves and put ourselves first, but I've lived that way and it was miserable. I couldn't help anyone because all I brought to the situation was my own lack. When you are abundant, everyone will feel it and begin to realize that they deserve good too. And it will move like a wave, spreading love further than you can imagine.


1 comment:

Ender Ayanethos said...

Hey, great post Micah, way to live from your heart! I'm really glad to be having a positive effect on your life and love laughing with you. I'm sensing some of the teachings of Abraham being put to practical life-use here! Much aloha, see you soon.
