Thursday, April 19, 2012

Don't Let Anything Stop You From Your Dreams

I was taking the bus into town yesterday, just to do some emailing, when a friend of mine walked on the bus. He's been doing a lifestyle experiement of the fruitarian diet for 2 weeks and was travelling into Hilo to get more fruit. It's a challenge for those of us without vehicles to carry home enough fruit to feed ourselves, but for me the challenge is fun, for the most part. I decided to go all the way to Hilo with him so we could get some durian and check out the big market. We both got some yummy fruit then got back on the bus. We ate some soursop and then decided to open up some durian. As soon as the package was opened it smelled very strongly, and sooo good. Of course, me and my friend were the only ones who thought so. Everyone was saying "oh god, what's that smell?" They opened windows and were clearly disgusted. We couldn't help but laugh. How could they hate that smell? How? It was very special to share durian with another fruitarian. It was one of the things I was working on manifesting here. The friendship and connection was really what I needed yesterday. It continues to amaze me how quickly things manifest here. I'm working on really focusing my intention on the things and situations I'd like to manifest. I've been working with the law of attraction for a couple of years now, really understanding how it works in my life. It's good to look at what you've manifested in the past, that way you can see how attraction has been working in your life and put it to use for the future.
Some time ago I put together a list of things I wanted to manifest, and I went all out, dreaming as big as I could, and so many of those things are in my life now. At the beginning of this year I vowed to follow my dreams, not to let anything get in my way, especially my own fear. Fear is what holds most of us back from alllowing the good into our lives. I won't lie, I experienced a lot of fear when I just started out in Hawaii by myself. It was so far beyond anything I could have percieved possible for myself even a short while ago. Having severe social anxiety disorder I found it extremely difficult just to go to the post office, or the checkout line at the grocery store. On the outside I tried to remain together and fearless, but inside I was a mess, so afraid I would often have breakdowns at home, even becoming suicidal. All that over little everyday tasks that most people don't even think of. Sometimes I thought I was in hell. The possibility of setting off to the other side of the world alone, having to take complete responsibility for myself was laughable. I didn't think I could do anything. But for so long I had hidden, consumed by misery and loneliness, depending on others to take care of me. I'd had enough. What was the worst that could happen? I realized that the worst I could imagine was nothing compared to the fear and depression I had been living with. So I went for it, and I'm so happy I did. There were, and still are, times when I don't think I can do it, but having this time on my own has shown me that I'm stronger than I ever could have imagined. I know there's nothing I can't do, be or have, if I really want it. All of life is a gift, especially the struggles. So don't give up. If you think you can't do it, try. What's the worst that can happen? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats small hint of durian looks nice.