Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Very Marron Christmas Party!

Me eating a pomegranite

Last night we had a christmas/going away party since I'm leaving day after tomorrow. We put up a christmas tree, decorated it, watched movies and ate yummy snacks. I was so happy because Mom and Row ate pretty much all raw food for their treats. They had avocado, figs, fruit juice,pomegranate, and nuts they cracked themselves. I had a couple figs, some pomegranate, fruit juice, and a persimmon. We had a lot of fun.

Mom and Row, sitting under the tree

We're picking up Calum tonight at 11pm in Digby. Then hopefully we'll get a good rest through tomorrow, and get every last thing packed and sorted before we leave at 2am tomorrow night. I'm still waiting for Chris to get back to me to see if he'll pick us up in Hilo.

I don't know when we'll get to a computer to write and post pictures, but I will as soon as I get a chance.

Wish us luck!

My sis,Rowenna, almost vegan, eating pomegranate

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