Saturday, December 12, 2009

Still Here

Our flight was 4 days ago, but we're still here. I am anyway, Calum went back home. Long story short, we were denied entry to the US because we didn't have enough money or ties to Canada. They thought we were going there to work. My big mistake: Telling them Chris owned a farm. I was put on the spot by a scary customs guy and I ran out of answers. Oh well, it's all in the past, and I'm trying to keep it that way. As soon as I got home I decided I wouldn't give up and spend the winter pitying myself and sleeping, so Calum and I decided to try to find somewhere else to go. After ALOT of searching- ok, not that much, only a couple of days, we found a farm in Ontario which needs help with horses, greenhouses, and log cabin building, among other things. What am I thinking, right? It's well below zero there with a couple of feet of snow. I guess it's the experience I'm after. Everything(besides the weather) sounds great about this place. So I emailed them and they wrote back right away. Who knows, we could be on our way to Muskoka, Ontario soon.

Besides all this travel drama I've been eating some amazing tangerines today. I think I've tried them before, but I don't remember it(it was way before I went vegan). They're officially my new favorite fruit. I don't eat the whole thing, I just suck the juice out along with some pulp. I feel like I could live off them forever. On Monday I'm going to try and get a whole box. For once in my life the raw food diet is coming naturally. The thought of heavy cooked food is nauseating. That's another problem with Ontario, they provide food, but it's cooked. The small stipend they pay isn't enough to cover my fruit. I have yet to solve that problem.

Along with trying to find out what I want to do with my life, I've been thinking about trying to do something about animal rights/veganism. Maybe they're not 2 different issues. It hit me a while ago that telling people what they're doing wrong isn't the way to go about it. We need to spread positive emotions, guilt will only set us backwards. So maybe by letting the world know what good they can do(and are doing), and setting a good example is really all we can do(or all we should). I'm still not sure where I want to take it, but it's on my mind a lot. I guess I'll think of something when the time is right.

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