Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fruitarianism and Instinctive Eating

My experiment with instinctive eating was a big step for me since for years now I have been firm in my belief that fruit was the only food appropriate for humans. I'm happy I was able to gather the courage to question my beliefs, and I have learned a lot through being more open.

First of all, high fat diets are not a good idea! Throughout my experiment I found myself wanting avocado, and once I started eating it, it became difficult to stop. For more than a week I ate it daily, and it did some major things to me. Emotionally, it was very numbing. Everything I felt was buried deep below this heaviness in my stomach. I found myself wanting to cry one day and not even being able to because my body was working so hard at digesting all the fat I had eaten. The simple joy that I felt for being alive, the peace that was deep within me, I couldn't feel it anymore. Everything felt dull and lifeless, and I felt comforted to stay that way. But I missed the mental clarity, a lot. I expected that eating comforting avos would leave me without food cravings, but it was the opposite. On sweet fruits I almost never craved cooked food. It smelled good sometimes, but not like something I would eat. But on this high fat diet, all I thought about was eating cooked carbs, like cakes and deep fried things. It was shocking to me, but I think it was because the fat stopped me from being able to absorb the fruity carbs I was eating.

Physically, I experienced a lot of negative reactions. My face became covered in acne, just little red spots, but a lot of them. I was bloated and in pain all the time. Even throughout the night my stomach felt full and heavy. Even though I was sleeping way more, I became so tired and dark bags formed under my eyes. A couple people I know told me that I looked sick. I experienced more headaches than ever in my life and felt constantly dehydrated, even though I was drinking a lot of water. The biggest problem was the blood sugar crashes. For those who don't know, it's not sugar that causes things like diabetes and candida, it's fat. I used to have hypoglycemia, and it went away completely when I switched to a diet of sugary fruits. Adding the fat back made me feel shaky and dizzy most of the time.

Eating a diet as light as fruit can be challenging in many ways. It forces you to face things in your life that you may not be ready to face, but it also gives you a strength in yourself. When your body isn't burdened with heavy, indigestible foods, you are more open to seeing the light within yourself that is always shining. That light became dead to me on heavier foods.

I kept myself open to eating foods other than fruit, and I ate some greens as well, but the main thing I have learned is that fruitarianism IS instinctive eating. For me anyways. I've had a deep knowing within me, even before I had learned about fruitarianism, that eating only fruit was right. I can't explain it, but my faith is unbreakable. Eating fruit is the most beautiful, natural way to live, and I don't think that will ever change for me.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Since eating a fruit-based diet I must say, all of the above is true and more benefits are to be reaped which the author had not even disclosed. Mental and emotional clarity improves to the point of keen intuition with most things. The light within begins to shine brighter and your compassion grows. Meat and dairy in turn, seem disgusting and vile. Why would you ever want to eat something so grossly perversed as a dead animal when you could relish in the juicy fruit from a tree that grew from light, wind, earth and rain. The foods you eat begin to have a life of their own. You can sense they are still "alive" and besides, fruits want to be eaten. It's their design and it's ours as well that makes fruitarianism such a great concept. When eaten in sufficient quantity, no vitamin or mineral will ever be lost or made deficient(soil conditions affect nutrition so be sure you eat organic, when possible).