Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I'm Writing a Book!

With the autumn, my artistic side is coming out more, and I have felt like now is the time to finally start writing my book. I've had a dream of writing a book about instinctive fruitarianism and spirituality for years, but I always feel like I'm not experienced enough to put my voice into the world. My blog has been my place to write about my experiences, but I always think of it as a journal and become somewhat uncomfortable when I think of other people reading it. What I'm coming to see is that in the 4 years I have been fruitarian I have learned so much. There is always more to learn, and I plan to continue for all my life, but I really feel like my experiences will be of help to so many people aspiring to eat a fruit diet. I feel like my biggest inspiration now is my connection to spirit and my guidance from my higher self, and that is what I feel drawn to write about most of all. The words just come through me sometimes, almost as if not from my mind, but from a higher part of my self.

The adventure of writing a book is going to be very exciting. I've already been working on an outline and the start of a few chapters over the past few weeks, and I can see very clearly that this will take a lot of silent contemplation, and inspiration. I've promised myself to only write at times of intense connection to source because the message I want to put into this book is of pure inspiration. The chapters will be filled with everything I've learned about fruitarianism, my visions of Eden  the insights which have come to me from the universe, everything that I feel deeply within my heart. I will still continue to blog here about my adventures in tropical Florida, and wherever else I might end up in the coming year.

Today, life is very sweet. It is a beautiful warm, sunny autumn day, and I just spent some time out in the grass, eating durian and writing out of pure inspiration. Tomorrow is the new holiday which I have only just declared, world durian day! A day to celebrate our true primal nature, permaculture, love, fruitarianism, and of course, durian! Please celebrate and tell everyone about this beautiful day! I will write more about it soon, with photos:)

Delicious new fruit I found growing here in Bellevue, Washington. Tastes like strawberries and cream! Anyone know what it is?

Asian Pears growing in our yard:)

The view from our home

Contemplative Penny

Sweet honeydew nectar

Some of the best durian of my life! So creamy, custardy, rich, vanilla-y and nutty

Heirloom tomatoes that Jaden grew in Seattle

Cherry and grape tomatoes that Jaden also grew

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