Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Other Wonderful Sister

I was just thinking today how I wrote a post about my little sister, but I've barely mentioned my amazing older sister, Yarrow. She's graduating from her first year of nursing sometime this week I think, top of her class. She is so dedicated to learning about things that interest her, it's quite inspiring.
As you can see from the photos, she'd make as good a supermodel as she would a nurse. She'll be a great nurse though, she's so compassionate, unlike a lot of nurses I've met. She seems to really care about people.
Unfortunatley, I haven't gotten to see Yarrow so much since she's been so busy studying this year. Hopefully we'll get to spend some time together this summer.

Doesn't she look like she belongs on the cover of a magazine?

This is us a few years ago, back when I was on a SAD diet and had orange hair

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I started a new community!!!!!

I just created a fruitarian community to support and connect with other fruitarians. I've already got 35 members and it seems to be off to a great start. Please check it out and join if you're fruitarian, or if it is your goal to become fruitarian in the future. It's

Monday, May 17, 2010

Summer in May

Today was finally a warm day. The past few weeks there has been sun, but the winds were so strong that it's been too cold for me to be outside very much. It looks like tomorrow will be even warmer. Ever since I got my 12 pounds of fresh, organic dates I have been eating little else. Sometimes I eat up to two pounds a day. They're very soft and Rowenna says they taste just like buttery cake batter. Only they have no fat and taste so much better to me than a pasty white cake. I've also been eating avocados for the first time in almost 6 months. I've eaten the odd one here and there, but lately I've been eating at least 2 per day. I know they're not good to eat in those quantities, but the price per calorie has been lower than other fruits so I'm just trying to get by. They make me feel nauseous and really tired though. I can't wait to spend weeks eating nothing but watermelon once they're good and cheap. I love how I feel eating only juicy fruits.

My website is just about ready to go as far as content, but I still need to figure out how to work with SEO and local advertising. I'm still hopeful that it will take off, but I'm trying to work out other options to make money this summer. I really want to work at a fruit farm, but Rowenna isn't very enthusiastic about driving me so I'm hoping to find one that will provide accommodations or at least let me pitch a tent.

If I manage to save up a bit of money I can be off for South America or Mexico this fall. If I do house sitting or camping, or anything with free accommodation I can live for very little and stay all winter. Round trip flight will be about $600, and food for 6 months will be about another $600, but those will be pretty much the only expenses. I'll feel pretty comfortable if I leave with $2000 and I think it's possible to make that this summer if I work really hard.