Saturday, February 20, 2010


I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but it looks like we might be going to Mexico!! I asked the lady who visited there lots of questions, and Yucatan sounds so amazing. So I told Dad about it and he loves the idea too. Then he looked into real estate and found that we can get 200 acres with 8 little cabins on it for US$70 000!!! He says

once the weather breaks we'll go there and see what kind of property we can find. I'm so hopeful! I'm working all day on learning Spanish because I know that will be very important there. Then I found out that in a lot of Yucatan they still speak Mayan. It looks like I might have more languages to learn. All I can think about is how once I'm there, I'm going to grow every type of watermelon imaginable=D

Monday, February 15, 2010

For the Fruit Bat in You!

Mexican Fruit Stand

Here's an article I read about what our bodies are meant to eat(or not meant to eat):

The Basic Facts

"This article provides the basic information on the natural diet for Human Beings. The scientific facts are easily available, should the reader wish to know the full details.

From a physiological perspective (the way the physical body functions), humans are frugivorous. That is, their natural diet consists of fruit, nuts, seeds and green leafy vegetables, all eaten raw.

Why? The human's digestive tract is long, about nine times longer than the body length, suitable to the slow digestion of fruit, nuts and vegetables. A Carnivore's digestive tract is only about three times longer than its body. This enables it to expel toxic rotting flesh from the body quickly, before it putrefies in the digestive tract or intestines.

Digestive Juices - Ptyalin, an enzyme that breaks down starches into sugars, is high in the saliva of the mouth of frugivores and either non-existent or present in very low levels in the saliva of carnivores.

Humans and other Frugivores have weak solutions of acid in the saliva, used to predigest proteins. The acid in a carnivore's saliva is very strong, enabling predigestion to begin in the mouth. The stomach acid of frugivores is weak, compared to carnivores, and is not ideally suited to breaking down of "animal" proteins, in particular, flesh.

Humans do not have teeth suitable to tear raw flesh from an animal, whereas carnivores are adequately equipped to do this, with long strong canine teeth.

Humans do not have claws with which to grasp and rip the flesh off their prey. But our hands are ideally suited to picking fruit!

The only milk suitable for humans is human mother's milk. Cow's milk is meant for its calves. Goat's milk is meant for the goat kid, horse's milk is suited to foals, Cat's milk is suited to their kittens, and dog's milk is ideally suited for their puppies, while elephant's milk is meant for the elephant calves.

What happens if we eat food that is unsuited to our digestive system? Digestion becomes more difficult or incomplete, which may cause petrifaction in the intestines, a precondition of Toxaemia and consequent disease. "

People are always telling me we've evolved to eat meat, but the truth is that our bodies haven't changed much at all. Physiologically we're designed to eat fruit.

I sort of got good news yesterday. I got a reply from a woman who was just in Mexico, and she said she visited Yucatan, and it was peaceful and beautiful there. Also that the fruit was amazing(she's a raw vegan too). She was there looking at property and is trying to find people to buy into a 260 acre ranch. She wants to get enough people so that it will cost about $5000 each, and plans to turn it into a raw retreat. Ok, so I don't have $5000, but I'm going to write her back and find out as much as I can. If nothing else I found a great place in Mexico to research.

I had a cantaloupe for Valentines day. It wasn't ripe, but it still tasted pretty good. My melon obsession hasn't passed yet. They're still all I want, but I have been enjoying a litre of fresh orange juice the past 2 mornings.

The other day the sun came out and me, Dad, and Chilufya went for a walk. With all my warm clothes on, and when I was out of the wind, it felt just like summer. The sun was so hot, and I just wanted to stand in that spot forever. My whole outlook on life became far less clouded, and everything made sense. Of course it only lasted a minute, but it did give me hope. Someday I will be in a warm climate.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Melon Mania!!

It's been a rough couple of weeks, but I'm finally back. I've been trying to deal with all my disappointments, and I'm starting to get through it, starting to see the silver lining. I guess BC might have been a disappointment anyway with the Olympics there. I guess the hardest thing has been losing my travelling companion. I still have plenty of time to decide what to do though. Even though we're still going through the worst of winter and I'm stuck inside I'm trying to keep busy. I've been studying Spanish a lot. Maybe soon I can start writing a little of my blog en espaƱol =D

Fruitwise, it's been really hard. It seems February is the worst month though, and soon the stores will have more fruit and lower prices. Right now all I want is melons. Nothing else satisfies me. Even when I want to cry all I have to do is see a watermelon and I feel sunny and happy again. I probably sound crazy, but I'm not, just summer deprived, and melons, they remind all my senses of Mexico and summer heat. Speaking of Mexico, that's my latest obsession. I've been doing loads of research, and I'm hoping to take a trip there sometime this year. I just have a good feeling about it. Not the touristy areas of course. I want to find someplace far off the beaten path where there are watermelons galore!

I'm also working on getting together things for a meatout (from I want to do some leafletting or set up a dsiplay table downtown. I really wish I had other veg-heads to help me out, but I don't know of any here. Maybe Rowenna will want to be a part of it.

That's it for now, but I'll be updating soon with some super neat info I got about the length of our intestines compared with carnivores and omnivores!