Friday, November 27, 2009


Still enjoying bananas, but I'm wishing for some mango or melons. Oh well, only 7 more days to go. I'm feeling a lot more energy and positivity since eating all these bananas. I've been doing yoga and weight lifting today, yesterday some aerobics. Still, I'd like to get way more exercise in. I'm making sure to eat plenty of bananas. Yesterday I only had 18, but the day before I had 25.
I'm working on getting everything packed for my upcoming trip. I think I'm pretty much ready now. I'm still quite worried that we haven't found any place to go yet. If all else fails we can buy plane tickets to the Big Island for about $150, and I'm not worried about finding a good farm there.

I think my Mom is taking us to the airport, and I asked Rowenna this morning and she says she wants to come too. So I'm sure we'll have a good trip up there. We need to leave at 2am to get there by 6am or so.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hawaii in less than 2 weeks!

Only 12 days until Calum and I leave for Kauai! For those of you who don't know us, we're members of WWOOF(willing workers on organic farms), and we're going there to volunteer, hopefully for shelter and all the fruit we can eat. At this point we still haven't found a farm on the tiny island that needs help, but we're hopeful. If we don't find one we might move over to another island. We got an offer yesterday to stay on a 80/10/10* farm on the Big Island! Now I want to go there just to stay on that farm.
Yesterday was the first day of Banana Island for me and my mom. I'm so happy to have someone else doing it with me:) She's trying to cure candida and I'm just trying to give my digestive system a rest. So far it's going great. I'm loving bananas more all the time. I'm not sure about my mom, I think she may be tiring of them, but she'll stick to it and find glowing health.Maybe tomorrow I'll post before and after pics.

*For those who don't know, 80/10/10 is a low fat raw vegan lifestyle. Basically all the sweet, juciy fruit and greens you can eat;)